Friday, September 16, 2011

Journal Entry (Description)

          The mural was every moving. It represented patriotism and honor the artists believes that the U.S has. The artist also asked for the respect of citizens as well, to not vandalize such a memorable painting. He wants the citizens to remember what happen to show that even such a tragedy cannot bring such a great nation, like us, down. As well as to remember how we came together, putting aside every difference we have as a melting pot society.
           The photo added another element that the mural did not have, it added two girls by the flag. Now assuming they are sisters, it seems that it may have relation to the towers being side-by-side, standing tall. Or, he could have added the girls into the picture to add a point of motivation to Americans. In the picture, the girls seem to be mid-stride or pressing forward, to show how the U.S, all though hurt, continued further. Only revealing that They, the terrorists, hurt the U.S temporarily, but cannot injure us as a whole. Therefore, that's why i believe that the picture is more powerful. It withholds everything the mural has, as well as adding the two girls.


  1. OH MY GOD I didnt even look at it like that it was soooo creative of you to think of the girls as the towers WOW.!!!

  2. HOLY CRAP.... I was not ready for that. I mean viewing the girls as the towers, and what you said about moving forward... I mean, I knew the girls served a purpose, but my reason was no where near as deep as yours

  3. flawjra;lwjef;asjdf;lawejfa;fnsd. WOW! Way to think outside the box. I think you deserve a big ole A+++++++ for this post. You took the trophy from all of us. You really grabbed a lot of detail that none of us even imagined was in the picture. PHENOMENAL job

  4. Eddie frickin' Andino. You thought on a WHOLE 'nother level. Never would I have thought of the two girls the way you did.

    Alijah wasn't lying when she told me about your post in class today. Lol.
