Thursday, October 27, 2011

Purpose & Audience/ Style & Structure

1.) To capture the audience attention in saying you all are good willed people, let me tend to you guys's needs.

2.) Particularly to draw the audience into his speech, and buy into what he is saying. Yes it is, because it lets them know that they are genuine good willed people,...... then harps on them for not being smart about certain situations, dealing with how good willed they really are.

3.) He changes rhetoric a little bit. He begins saying how you all are great people...... then goes into we use to be a powerful church in which related to how the Christians called them selves a colony of god moving from village to village, city to city.

4.) " But since i feel that you are, men pf genuine good will and that your criticisms,s are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what i hope will be patient and reasonable terms."

1.) Second paragraph.

2.) Paragraph 14

3.) "The purpose of our", "One of the basic point", "We know through pain", "Now", "We should never forget", "I must make two honest confessions", and "But though."

4.)To introduce that there not the only ones who wish for equality. Also that, as T.S Eliot had said, "The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason."

5.) To reveal to the clergy man that he knows what he is doing, and also to show them other incidents of authority situations they may be able to synthesize with.

7.) He does this by revealing to the clergyman what the white moderates have done, but if we past actions heal and reform, we can overpass this invisible barrier of segregation and further advance our society.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Elizabethan Insults

Thou art a villainous, hell-hated harpy.
          Calling some one an evil mythical creature that has the head of a woman but the body of a bird.

Thou art nothing more than a frothy, loggerheaded coxcomb
          Calling someone a shallow, stupid and conceded foolish dandy.

Thou art a saucy, dissembling minnow
          Calling someone bodly smart, fake, small and insignificant

Thou art merely but a surly, lout, strumpet
          Calling someone a rude, dumb, prostitute.

Thou art but a Spleeny, Earth-Vexing Bugbear.
          Calling someone nothing more than an abundance of annoyance, that plagues the earth constantly.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Compare and Contrast "T.I.M vs. Antony"

     Within the funeral speech given by the narrator in Invisible Man, it was very much like the speech given by Antony at Caesars funeral arrangement. Both speeches provoked each crowd into becoming some-what-of-a frenzy. The crowd ate it up. They both also talked highly of the person who died, yet talked poorly of those who watched it happen, or even those who killed him.
      In contrast, even though both speeches aroused the crowds, T.I.M's speech was more of a tool based speech. It caught the audience attention yet needed a motive of some sort behind it. Without the Brotherhood's support, the crowd was left in a frenzy and ready for action, creating a perfect opportunity for Ras to interfere and give the crowd a mission sort-a-speak. While Antony's speech rally-ed the crowd up, yet gave them a motive or destination on where he was going with his speech. But in the end, both speeches were unique in there own way and served a purpose in both situations given.    

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Declaration Of Independence

Purpose & Audience
    1.) His major premise is the fact that the ruler treated them like crap, and its about time they become independent.
    2.) By saying they have tried to logically fight the oppression of the king, but have been turned down every time when they tried to petition. 
    3.) Jefferson is talking to the citizens of america, to persuade them that the previous ruler could not support their community needs and moral standards. That independence is the only way to be free of this tyrant. 
    4.) He anticipates it very well by saying that they were denied by a tyrant, unfit to be a ruler of free people, putting the King in the hot-seat.
    5.) He says that to show how everyone from Britain hates them 
    6.) Second paragraph, last two sentences. He gave a quick foundation as his intro, so after that was established, his thesis lie out what the rest of his declaration was going to be about.

Style & Structure
     1.) It relies on both. it uses both to emphasize key points he was trying to make. Such as the king being an all around hated guy who was unjust.
     2.) He uses smooth transition words such as," Nor." and,"We, therefore." which made it very easy for the reader, such as myself, to follow along with the message he was trying to get across.
     3.) To emphasize just how bad the king one. Too show what he has done over his time of rule and to appeal to the citizens, it is time we became independent from Great Britain.
     4.) I think it was an excellent way to conclude his declaration. Referring back to his comrades as it is a responsibility to, as well as their right, to become free and independent states.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Thanks To Modern Science" Journal Entry

1.) The headline contradicts itself by saying thank you science for saving 17 innocent man, yet screw modern politics for executing 23 innocent bi-standards. The majority of the Ad does support the title.

2.) The picture symbolizes as the innocent people who were killed unjustly. It reinforces the other half of the headline where it is thanking modern politics for removing 23 people from the living because it shows a man about to be electrocuted.  

3.) I believe it appeals to both ethos as well as pathos. It seems to be pulling my heart string by saying innocent people are dying because of modern politics. But at the same time referring to ethos by showing how its morally wrong to give some people the capital punishment in some situations.

4.) The ad made a few key points, such as when the ad explained that modern science saved individuals from death row. Such as Ronald Keith Williamson for being accused of rape and murder, and Anthony Porter in being mentally incompetent. But when the ad shifted from saving people, to accusing those same people, it appeared to be that the ad struggled slightly in finding examples. The ad needed more support in this section of the reading, but other than that, very well put.