Friday, December 16, 2011

OFOTCN Worksheet

1. OFOTCN isn’t anti woman because they have good female characters within the book such as candy, who is energetic, life filled woman. An average woman within this story is very authoritarian, such as Nurse Ratched.
2. Her name signifies as her true personality and character. She is a ratched, savage, and cruel woman.
3. Women in this era of time were to stay at home and cook and clean for their husband, but because of the war, women became more independent and taking more responsibility within the household, as well as the town. So if anything, Matriarchy was on a rise.
4. In a way, yes only because every time characters who were black showed up, they were either horse-playing or getting in trouble with the head nurse. Possibly symbolizing that maybe that is all black people are good for, getting in trouble or doing things to get in trouble.
5. Yes because he truly cares for the patients, he looks out for them and they look up to him as a father or as a big brother at the least. But on the other hand, he does not appear this way at times because he is conning some of the patients and taking their money.
6. They were rebelling against authority that was very strict and demanding, which made some of the Hippies feel degraded in a way.
7. Well McMurphy tells the head nurse that the communists could have learned a thing or two from her and how she runs he r hospital as a dictatorship.
8. He is a somewhat reliable character; he views the combine as a machine that is run by Nurse Ratched. He escapes with the plan the McMurphy had.
10. That they would use a multitude of drugs to try and escape their reality of confinement and restriction.
11. Only because the head Nurse serves as the government, or authority at that time and the patiesn, both chronic and acute, were trying to over throw her but were to weak and scared, same as the hippies.
13. The book is this way because at this time, the country had a democracy but Kesey may have felt that we were denied some democratic rights and justices.
14. The 1960’2 were filled with individuals who felt lost after the wars so they began spas-ing out in different ways. So many became lunatics or criminals in search of their true self in which this was glorified within the book.
15. Mainly because that is one of the traits he has that they, being the combine, cannot take away from him. The authorities do not like it because it resembles chaos.
16. The oppression of the government at the time could be symbolized as Nurse Ratched.
17. It portrays liberation because McMurphy shows them that she is just a person like you and I and we can leave at our will, he just opens their eyes to what truly is happening behind the scenes.
18. I noticed it particularly when he would put the wrong tense of a word, or just the wrong word in the incorrect position within the sentence.
19. Laughter is a theme because the patients have not heard it in a very long time. It kind of momentarily liv=berates the patients when they hear McMurphy laugh.
20. Within a crazy world, if one was to act insane, they would actually appear as sane because the rest of the world is insane. But if they were to act sane in a world of crazies, that same person would actually appear to be insane.
22. He uses repetition to constantly show the oppressive power of Nurse Ratched.

Pg. 126 Research #2

The relationship between Hinduism and Islam are that the Hinduism is a group of religious traditions, established over a period of time, through revelations received by innumerable saints, seers, incarnations and emanations of God. Islam derives its name from its central doctrine of peace and submission to God. It is a religion founded by a prophet.

The two beliefs in their own way have similarities. Both religions accept God as being the Supreme Being and Absolute Lord of the universe. They also acknowledge that God responds to prayers, the God recues the faithful in times of distress, but just as they have similarities, they also have different ways on doing things.

Hindus have to bear the blame for escalating the competition into conflict by using their numbers to oppress the Muslims during the era of self-rule between 1935-39. Neither one of the groups could trust each other to rule over them, and the hatred ensured that the new nations of Pakistan and India would be enemies of each other. (“Hindu-Muslim Conflict and the Partition of India”,

Pg. 116 Research #2

I will have to say, that the example of a sweatshop for me, would be the building of the San Marcos Train Station. Mexico’s Yaqui Indians were sold as slaves for merely 25cents ahead. There were hundreds of native people in concentration camps dying of hunger and disease. They were forced to walk 300 kilometers to San Marcos.

They were beaten bloody every morning at role-call, forced to work in the blazing sun from dawn till dusk on little food, locked up every night, and beaten again if they failed to cut and trim at least 2000 henequen leaves per day. The Yaqui people were famed for their strength and being hard working. Women were separated from their family and married off to Chinamen and every child born afterwards at the plantation, was sold or worth $1,000..
Between 1904 and 1909, they had rounded up about 15,000 and were forced along the tortuous route to Yucatan and enslaved. Despite their extraordinary strength, most of them died within the 1st year. The San Marcos Train Station should have a commemorating plaque of the pain and sorrow suffered throughout the building of the train station for them. ( “San Marcos Station, Jalisco, Mexico: Witness to Yaqui Slavery”,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pg 95 Research #1

General Winfield Scott arrived at New Echota on May 17, 1838 with 7000 men. Early that summer he and the United States Army began the invasion of the Cherokee Nation.           The Cherokees who were removed from their land were one of the saddest episodes of our brief history, men, women, and children were taken from their land, herded into makeshift forts with minimal facilities and food, and then forced to march a thousand miles (Some made part of the trip by boat in equally horrible conditions).
Under the general indifferent army commanders, human losses for the first groups of Cherokee removed were extremely high. John Ross made an urgent appeal to Scott, requesting that the general let his people lead the tribe west, General Scott agreed. Ross organized the Cherokee into smaller groups and let them move separately through the wilderness so they could forage for food.
 Although the parties under Ross left in early fall and arrived in Oklahoma during the brutal winter of 1838-39, he significantly reduced the loss of life among his people. About 4000 Cherokee died as a result of the removal. The route they traversed and the journey itself became known as "The Trail of Tears" or, as a direct translation from Cherokee, "The Trail Where They Cried" ("Nunna daul Tsuny"). (“The trail of Tears”,

Pg. 73 Research # 1

The signers hoped to accomplish, to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
These lines suggest that the whole purpose of government is to secure the peoples right and that government gets its power." If that consent is betrayed, then "it is the right of the people to alter or abolish" their government. When the Declaration was written, this was a radical statement. They believed that, even if it meant their lives to sign the Declaration, they would do it for the rights of the people.
Fifty-six men, appointed by their fellow citizens of each Colony, meeting in Congress assembled, determined that the only logical course of action by which they could throw off the burden of dictatorship was to declare the independence and control of the individual colonies, and join together in a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, dominance, or trade. (“The Declaration of Independence and Its Legacy”,

Pg 26 Research #1

Most slaves in ancient Rome were acquired through warfare, with Roman armies bringing captives back as part of the reward. Turning defeated soldiers into slaves brought much income, and would also serve as an alternative to imprisoning or killing them. Slave ownership was most widespread throughout the Roman citizenry from the second Punic War (218 to 201 BC) through the 4th century AD.
Slaves were freed for a variety of reasons; for a particularly good deed toward the slave's owner, or out of friendship or respect. Slaves were also freed through testamentary manumission, by a provision in an owner's will at his death. After emancipation, the former slave was free to make his or her own way in life.
The process for which slaves became free citizens in ancient Rome was called manumission, which also means, “sending out from the hand”. The process itself was a public spectacle. In Ancient Rome, a slave was freed by a master in a ceremony that included placing the pileus (a brimless hat) on the former slave’s shaved head. Among the Romans the cap of felt was the emblem of liberty. When a slave obtained his freedom he had his head shaved, and wore instead of his hair an undyed pileus. (“Slavery in ancient Rome”;

Thursday, December 1, 2011

P.43 Research

           The Magna Carta was mainly created to suppress the overly powerful monarchy of England, which was ruled under King John's authority. It was in 1215 that the Nobles, Barons, and basically rich people of England were tired of how King John was running things and banded together to creat the Magana Carta in which forced the King to sign. In signing, this allowed "Freeman" a trial by jury, a punishment fitting and not excessive to the crime, and no taxation without representation.
            Who were the "Freeman?" The freeman were basically only the rich within the villages which were the nobles and barons. Well at first that is how the Magan Carta was intended, but after many years, american colonists were still forced to pay taxes yet still were not allowed representation. But thanks to Sir EDWARD Coke, representation was given to the colonists, further expanding the rights of the Mana Carta to many groups across the land and eventually leading to the Declaration of Independence.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pg. 19 Research

1.              Being a woman within the Ramon time period, you might have been considered to be half of an actual citizen; higher than a slave, yet lower than a man. Plus, women also had to pay taxes, even though they were not allowed government positions, but life was not all bad for females. Women had the right to own property, to engage in business, and to obtain a divorce, but their legal rights varied over time. Marriages were an important form of political alliance during the Republic.
                 A woman's role within ancient Rome was to cater to their husbands needs for they did not leave their home until married off. Once with their husband, the wife was treated just as the daughter of the household would be treated. Yet in this time period, women were not to "work" for that was something slaves and the poor did who needed the money. So a women's role was to pay taxes, manage the household, yet obey the husband.

Discussion & Reflection pg. 19

1. What she meant by that is, woman shouldn' have to pay taxes if they were not considered full citizens.

2. She feels that if women are to be taxed, they should at least be recognized by what they do and become or be able to run for political positions within the government.

3. The women should pay taxes only if they are allowed to run for some political office/ position

1. Yes.

2. For the most part yes

Pg. 13 Research

2.           Many Romans had slaves do their dirty and hard work for them. These slaves were bought and sold in the slave markets. Some slaves were soldiers who had been captured in wars, while others were the children of slave parents. If they tried to run away, they were whipped, burned with iron, and sometimes even killed. Slavery, was accepted as part of life in ancient Rome by the slaves themselves and by the society. 
               It was similar to our slavery because by definition, one person owning another is considered slavery. But technically, slaves were still mistreated and had to endure harsh living conditions. While on the other-hand, it was more harsh back with the Romans, for there was no indentured-ness  involved in any time period. Once a slave to a Roman, forever enslaved to a Roman.

Discussion & Reflection pg. 13

1. It shows that he views slaves as nothing more than tools and machinery used for ones fields and hard labor.

2. It shows that the ones who need the food more will receive it. The chain-gang receives more rations than the others during certain times of the year because they work more.

3. Cato views them as possessions that he must take care of or he will be without a work force. So he believes in feeding them and giving them the bare minimum to barely keep them alive, but just enough to work.

1. More practical than anything because he doesn't share feelings at all towards these beings, they are nothing but tools in his eyes.

2. Yes and no. Yes because that owner and treat their slave with the up most hospitality that same individual has to offer. But on the other hand, he/she is still a slave therefore their moral standings are still somewhat lacking.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Limerick Questions

1. I believe that the people who live within limerick strongly believe their judgement is justified. That what they chose to do as individuals or as a community is completely up to that same individual or group of people. With the McCourts in such a foreign land, it leaves them but to only hope for a brighter and better future for their family. But being in such a place, and being the new-comers in town, no-one s=chose to really assist the family making it that much harder for them to get by in their daily lives.

2. If this type of book were to be published where i live today, i do not think that it would cause a big commotion. I believe that it would affect some more than others in retrospect to how financially stable their lives are, or are not.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Knavery's plain face is never seen till used."

       Iago states that he is not what he appears to be, and only does things for his personnel gain a multitude of time towards Roderigo. Yet as sly as he is, he manipulates him to do things for his personnel gain and goals while keeping Roderigo blinded by his lust for Desdemona. In doing so, Iago also goes around and becomes close friends with Othello and Cassio while doing the same things to them, but for alternative reasons.
        For example, Iago hates Cassio for taking what he felt was rightfully his, the lieutenant rank given to him. With that rank given to Cassio, it makes Iago furious and then ultimately has him plan to get rid of Cassio. Yet on the other hand is Othello, who Iago also envy's and hold responsible for taking his wife from him. So the whole time within the book, Iago becomes close and appears very honest to Othello in which he abuses that relationship with him and 'twixts' his mind. Iago tells Othello that Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio only to enrage him to do something irrational, such as plan to kill her and Cassio. When that is established, Iago states that he will take care of Cassio in which he again uses Roderigo to answer him. Therefore, Iago's plan was,"look out for number one" meaning he is only after whats important to him and he doesn't care who he has to lie to do it. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Purpose & Audience/ Style & Structure

1.) To capture the audience attention in saying you all are good willed people, let me tend to you guys's needs.

2.) Particularly to draw the audience into his speech, and buy into what he is saying. Yes it is, because it lets them know that they are genuine good willed people,...... then harps on them for not being smart about certain situations, dealing with how good willed they really are.

3.) He changes rhetoric a little bit. He begins saying how you all are great people...... then goes into we use to be a powerful church in which related to how the Christians called them selves a colony of god moving from village to village, city to city.

4.) " But since i feel that you are, men pf genuine good will and that your criticisms,s are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what i hope will be patient and reasonable terms."

1.) Second paragraph.

2.) Paragraph 14

3.) "The purpose of our", "One of the basic point", "We know through pain", "Now", "We should never forget", "I must make two honest confessions", and "But though."

4.)To introduce that there not the only ones who wish for equality. Also that, as T.S Eliot had said, "The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason."

5.) To reveal to the clergy man that he knows what he is doing, and also to show them other incidents of authority situations they may be able to synthesize with.

7.) He does this by revealing to the clergyman what the white moderates have done, but if we past actions heal and reform, we can overpass this invisible barrier of segregation and further advance our society.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Elizabethan Insults

Thou art a villainous, hell-hated harpy.
          Calling some one an evil mythical creature that has the head of a woman but the body of a bird.

Thou art nothing more than a frothy, loggerheaded coxcomb
          Calling someone a shallow, stupid and conceded foolish dandy.

Thou art a saucy, dissembling minnow
          Calling someone bodly smart, fake, small and insignificant

Thou art merely but a surly, lout, strumpet
          Calling someone a rude, dumb, prostitute.

Thou art but a Spleeny, Earth-Vexing Bugbear.
          Calling someone nothing more than an abundance of annoyance, that plagues the earth constantly.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Compare and Contrast "T.I.M vs. Antony"

     Within the funeral speech given by the narrator in Invisible Man, it was very much like the speech given by Antony at Caesars funeral arrangement. Both speeches provoked each crowd into becoming some-what-of-a frenzy. The crowd ate it up. They both also talked highly of the person who died, yet talked poorly of those who watched it happen, or even those who killed him.
      In contrast, even though both speeches aroused the crowds, T.I.M's speech was more of a tool based speech. It caught the audience attention yet needed a motive of some sort behind it. Without the Brotherhood's support, the crowd was left in a frenzy and ready for action, creating a perfect opportunity for Ras to interfere and give the crowd a mission sort-a-speak. While Antony's speech rally-ed the crowd up, yet gave them a motive or destination on where he was going with his speech. But in the end, both speeches were unique in there own way and served a purpose in both situations given.    

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Declaration Of Independence

Purpose & Audience
    1.) His major premise is the fact that the ruler treated them like crap, and its about time they become independent.
    2.) By saying they have tried to logically fight the oppression of the king, but have been turned down every time when they tried to petition. 
    3.) Jefferson is talking to the citizens of america, to persuade them that the previous ruler could not support their community needs and moral standards. That independence is the only way to be free of this tyrant. 
    4.) He anticipates it very well by saying that they were denied by a tyrant, unfit to be a ruler of free people, putting the King in the hot-seat.
    5.) He says that to show how everyone from Britain hates them 
    6.) Second paragraph, last two sentences. He gave a quick foundation as his intro, so after that was established, his thesis lie out what the rest of his declaration was going to be about.

Style & Structure
     1.) It relies on both. it uses both to emphasize key points he was trying to make. Such as the king being an all around hated guy who was unjust.
     2.) He uses smooth transition words such as," Nor." and,"We, therefore." which made it very easy for the reader, such as myself, to follow along with the message he was trying to get across.
     3.) To emphasize just how bad the king one. Too show what he has done over his time of rule and to appeal to the citizens, it is time we became independent from Great Britain.
     4.) I think it was an excellent way to conclude his declaration. Referring back to his comrades as it is a responsibility to, as well as their right, to become free and independent states.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Thanks To Modern Science" Journal Entry

1.) The headline contradicts itself by saying thank you science for saving 17 innocent man, yet screw modern politics for executing 23 innocent bi-standards. The majority of the Ad does support the title.

2.) The picture symbolizes as the innocent people who were killed unjustly. It reinforces the other half of the headline where it is thanking modern politics for removing 23 people from the living because it shows a man about to be electrocuted.  

3.) I believe it appeals to both ethos as well as pathos. It seems to be pulling my heart string by saying innocent people are dying because of modern politics. But at the same time referring to ethos by showing how its morally wrong to give some people the capital punishment in some situations.

4.) The ad made a few key points, such as when the ad explained that modern science saved individuals from death row. Such as Ronald Keith Williamson for being accused of rape and murder, and Anthony Porter in being mentally incompetent. But when the ad shifted from saving people, to accusing those same people, it appeared to be that the ad struggled slightly in finding examples. The ad needed more support in this section of the reading, but other than that, very well put.      

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Storm "Journal Entry" p. 199

          Within the short story, it talked about a storm that had pasted, affecting a multitude of individuals. Now to me, The Storm did not mean just a weather condition that was experienced by everyone within the short story,  the storm represented conflict, and turmoil that every one had to go through at some point in time during the story line. Rather it be emotionally, or physically, all the characters mentioned endured a storm of their own, confronting some type of problem outlined for them.From facing old latent feeling towards one another, to facing one's own mother. Either way, disturbances where shown, confronted, and overcome, making this excerpt that much more interesting to read. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Good Night & Good Luck

Speaker: Not a particular speaker but seems to be from Murrow's point of view on the whole situation taking place.

Occasion: Murrow, from my point of view, seemed to have constructed such a show to reveal and bring forth the true meaning behind McCarthy's scandalous ordeals and McCarthyism.

Audience: No clear audience to be exact, could be directed to anyone who may be accused of communism or have a friend being accused. So that they could see this film, and not be afraid to stand for what they truly believe is right.

Purpose: I believe the main idea of this clip, is to inform individuals of the true intentions behind McCarthy and his accusations of communism within the government. As well as to stand up and speak upon what one believes is the morally correct thing to do.

Subject: Murrow trying to reveal McCarthyism within broad daylight, and show the reasoning behind it all.

Tone: It appears to look as a very serious as well as stressful film. Straining the cast members for being accused of McCarthyism. If one pays close attention, they could see that Murrow seemed to smoke quit a lot, showing just how stressful things got at this time.

The Crucible Overview

          In reading The Crucible, i quite enjoyed the drama Arthur Miller layed out for the reader. It was very interesting in how Proctor became exactly what he sought out in other people, a hypocrite. He would be the first to point out when someone has committed a wrong and acts as if nothing has happened, correcting other who have also done wrong. Yet this whole time, Proctor was married to Elizabeth and still had a fling with Abigail.
          Then, Abigail and a few of her friends were seen in the woods dancing around a fire, and accused of witch-craft. To defend herself and her friends, Abigail begins to point the finger at other people within the village who were said to have controlled her during that time of which she was seen. Being afraid of persecution and accusations of which had been brought to the villagers, it was easy for Abigail to manipulate and control the minds of the citizens within the village.So feeling jealous of Elizabeth for having Proctor, Abigail accuses her and she is sentenced to hang.
          After many arguments and disputes, Elizabeth's hanging is postponed till she gives birth, for she is pregnant, and now proctor is said to hang for witchery as well unless he confess his sin. He does in the end confess and is pushed to sign a paper agreeing to his sin. Although he signs this paper, when presented in front of the villagers, refused to say his name, for thats all that was true to him, and for that, he hung.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Half-Hanged Mary

Speaker: The speaker is thought to be Mary herself enduring for what seemed to be an eternity of agonizing pain.

Occasion: It was said that a woman who was hung for witch craft in the 1680's in a puritan town in Massachusetts. It was know that when she was cut down the next day, she was still alive and lived for another 14 years. So this poem was written to detail that event from Mary's point of view.

Audience: Wasn't a clear audience established. It seems that anyone who reads this would be the audience because the poem served more as a historical event. A woman was to be hung, she was, and the next day when she was cut down, she was still alive. 

Purpose: I perceived this poem to be a mere reminder of what happen to Ms. Mary Webster in the 1680's. Nothing but a historical review of the hanging of Mary.

Subject: The subject of the piece was Mary getting hung. How she dangled for at least eight hours, only to live when they cut her down in the morning for another 14 years. Thus explaining the title.

Tone: The author, from what it seemed, was an  innocent being at first. Turned wicked after spiritually dying and to be resurrected as what she was accused for in the first place. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are you Now or Were you Ever

1). He attempted this by illuminating the tragic absurdities of an anterior work of art that is so called, reality. 

2). His testimony was so remarkable because of the fact that it was such a rare exception; his declaration showed many and opened their eyes to what was really happening around them.

3). The mind is only as strong as the will of that person. That individual is free to believe anything they chose, but must be able to differentiate reality and fantasy. b). It relates because The Crucible shows the power of human imagination antagonized, and that's what occurs when people believe in a certain material for the sake that they chose not to be accused of what they are accusing another person for.

4). It means people are constantly tempted, and when we give into that temptation is when we lose ourselves to the Devil. They need to remember to stay true to their faith, as well as themselves.  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Journal Entry (Description)

          The mural was every moving. It represented patriotism and honor the artists believes that the U.S has. The artist also asked for the respect of citizens as well, to not vandalize such a memorable painting. He wants the citizens to remember what happen to show that even such a tragedy cannot bring such a great nation, like us, down. As well as to remember how we came together, putting aside every difference we have as a melting pot society.
           The photo added another element that the mural did not have, it added two girls by the flag. Now assuming they are sisters, it seems that it may have relation to the towers being side-by-side, standing tall. Or, he could have added the girls into the picture to add a point of motivation to Americans. In the picture, the girls seem to be mid-stride or pressing forward, to show how the U.S, all though hurt, continued further. Only revealing that They, the terrorists, hurt the U.S temporarily, but cannot injure us as a whole. Therefore, that's why i believe that the picture is more powerful. It withholds everything the mural has, as well as adding the two girls.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Journal Entry (Shooting an Elephant)

          In reading the short essay, i strongly believe that Orwell is definitely a coward, yet smart at the same time. He is a coward because he did what the villagers wanted him to do, peer pressured without a word said. Orwell asked for a villager to bring him his rifle, implying that he was going to kill it when in actuality, the rifle was for self defence. So when the moment came where he saw the peaceful animal, Orwell could feel the crowds will pressing him forward to do when they wanted him to do, and in the end, killed the elephant. Yet it was, in a way, smart that he pleased the crowd for he may not have known how they might react to being denied such an action. Though he should have found another way to somehow get the majestic animal away from the town, his actions lead him to be a coward.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Scarlet Letter Overview

       In reading the Scarlet Letter, for the most part, i enjoyed how Hawthorne used nature to describe things in a way that, it would seem useless to try otherwise. This kind of discription allowed me to visualize the image Hawthorne was painting, more clearly and seemed to emphasize certain aspects of what he was describing. Such as the sunlight scene within the forest, where Hester removes the Scarlet Letter and is over filled with joy and life again while being doused with sunlight in such a gloomy place. Then, when the Letter returns back to Hester, for Pearl does not recognize her mother without it, reverts back to her lifeless, dreary, and miserable state she was in before taking the letter off in the first place. I also enjoyed the dramatic conflict between Hester, Chillingworth, and Dimmsdale making the story very interesting and entertaining.
        Yet, one thing i disliked about the story of Hester Prynne was the fact that everyone outcasted her at first. Treating her as if nothing more than a doll as a puppet in their society. Only to do what they allow her to do. Then, several years past of her doing charity work and Hesters' beauty failing her, the society begins to accept her, and thought of the Letter to represent Able, rather than Adultress. Meanwhile, she acts the same throught the story, showing the same strong-willed personality she had since the begining. But overal, i truely enjoyed reading as well as learning, the story of Hester Prynne and The Scarlet Letter

Friday, September 9, 2011

Civil Disobedience

1). Democracy demands my respect because Thoreau mentions a government that governs the least is the best type of government there is.

2). a) He accepts the motto, " That government is best which governs least." b) By the government easing off of the citizens and allowing them to run society only to be guided by the government, if necessary.

3). a) He describes the best possible type of government to be a better government that truely executes the citizens will and governs the least. b) When Americans know what kind of government they want.

4). a) Thoreau is asking his readers to stand up to their government if they feel they are beeing wronged in any sort of way. To not allow a government to much power, as well as not let the government lie idle. b) Yes, he fully explains a convincing  argument for acting on ones princiles.

5). a) I might say that the citizens chose their officers, therefore fully aware of who is in power and who is not. Rather if that officer does well or not, its the citizens fault. b) It benefits individuals because the government thinks for the society, as well as with the society showing the superiority of the government in the first place.


1).  The aspects of today, are actually quite similar to those of Emersons time. Many people looked within themselves for guidance, confidence, intellegence and intuition. As for the people of today, they tend to do the same thing at some point or another.

2). a) Emerson describes society as to be a Joint-Stock company. b) For everyone within the society to agree for the better securing of their bread for each to sharehold, and to surrender the liberty and culture of thy eater. c) Emerson believes that beeing misunderstood is not bad, in fact, smiled upon from his point of view. Every great individual who has made major contributions to scientific, philisophical, or religious thinking, were all misunderstood.

3). a) They were all individuals who, at some point, made major contributions to scientific, philisophical, or religious thinking. b) Emerson uses the names of great individuals many people look up too.

4).  Its important because it shows just how he feels towards those who are adored by little statesmen, philosophers, and clergy. b) Not necessarily, for showing consistency, its as if he is trying to persuade the reader that misunderstoodness is to be great and wise, while beeing consistence shows weak mindedness.

5). a) Emerson shows that one should not believe in God himself, but the celestial presence within thy self. b) He would say that he/she who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but it explore if it be goodness.

6). I would chose the statement, " To be great is to be Misunderstood. . . ." only because it has so much power to me. He's saying that if someone wishes to be a pure and wise individual, that person must look towards noncomformity.

Maya Angelou "Finishing School"

          When i was younger, my mother would have me do multiple chores around the house. Most of these chores would include me cleaning my room, bathroom, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, and washing clothes. Now as young as i was, i didn't see the purpose of all this. Yet, i have recently discovered that this whole time, my mother was teaching me descipline, responsibility, integrety and even maturity. So, i have my mom to thank of who and what i am.

Spider-Man Vs The Vulture

              The Vulture had yet again been confronted with the hero, Spider-Man, above the street, on the roof-tops, overlooking the city. But it wasn't long before The Vulture had disposed of Spider-Man within a water tower, leaving the scene to carry out phase two of his master plan. Upon hitting the water inside, Spider-Man quickely regained conscousness, only to blame himself for being so careless to end up in such a situation. Spider-Man then tried to escape by using his web to sling himself out, but the ejector was empty because he forgot to refill it, beeing so busy with the camera. He then tried to crawl on the walls in hope of excaping, but the walls were to wet and slimy. Spider-Man then contemplates on rather to drown or suffocate for a brief moment before realizing if he just used his head, he can get out of there. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just getting started

Just finished finilizing my blog account, took longer than anticipated. Hopefully in the future, i will not

undergo such problems again.