Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pg. 13 Research

2.           Many Romans had slaves do their dirty and hard work for them. These slaves were bought and sold in the slave markets. Some slaves were soldiers who had been captured in wars, while others were the children of slave parents. If they tried to run away, they were whipped, burned with iron, and sometimes even killed. Slavery, was accepted as part of life in ancient Rome by the slaves themselves and by the society. 
               It was similar to our slavery because by definition, one person owning another is considered slavery. But technically, slaves were still mistreated and had to endure harsh living conditions. While on the other-hand, it was more harsh back with the Romans, for there was no indentured-ness  involved in any time period. Once a slave to a Roman, forever enslaved to a Roman.

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea why your blog has thick, white, block-like lines as your text, but I figured out how to read it! C:
    Prisoners of war, kind of? Like, besides torture, they just put them into society as slaves?
