Friday, December 16, 2011

OFOTCN Worksheet

1. OFOTCN isn’t anti woman because they have good female characters within the book such as candy, who is energetic, life filled woman. An average woman within this story is very authoritarian, such as Nurse Ratched.
2. Her name signifies as her true personality and character. She is a ratched, savage, and cruel woman.
3. Women in this era of time were to stay at home and cook and clean for their husband, but because of the war, women became more independent and taking more responsibility within the household, as well as the town. So if anything, Matriarchy was on a rise.
4. In a way, yes only because every time characters who were black showed up, they were either horse-playing or getting in trouble with the head nurse. Possibly symbolizing that maybe that is all black people are good for, getting in trouble or doing things to get in trouble.
5. Yes because he truly cares for the patients, he looks out for them and they look up to him as a father or as a big brother at the least. But on the other hand, he does not appear this way at times because he is conning some of the patients and taking their money.
6. They were rebelling against authority that was very strict and demanding, which made some of the Hippies feel degraded in a way.
7. Well McMurphy tells the head nurse that the communists could have learned a thing or two from her and how she runs he r hospital as a dictatorship.
8. He is a somewhat reliable character; he views the combine as a machine that is run by Nurse Ratched. He escapes with the plan the McMurphy had.
10. That they would use a multitude of drugs to try and escape their reality of confinement and restriction.
11. Only because the head Nurse serves as the government, or authority at that time and the patiesn, both chronic and acute, were trying to over throw her but were to weak and scared, same as the hippies.
13. The book is this way because at this time, the country had a democracy but Kesey may have felt that we were denied some democratic rights and justices.
14. The 1960’2 were filled with individuals who felt lost after the wars so they began spas-ing out in different ways. So many became lunatics or criminals in search of their true self in which this was glorified within the book.
15. Mainly because that is one of the traits he has that they, being the combine, cannot take away from him. The authorities do not like it because it resembles chaos.
16. The oppression of the government at the time could be symbolized as Nurse Ratched.
17. It portrays liberation because McMurphy shows them that she is just a person like you and I and we can leave at our will, he just opens their eyes to what truly is happening behind the scenes.
18. I noticed it particularly when he would put the wrong tense of a word, or just the wrong word in the incorrect position within the sentence.
19. Laughter is a theme because the patients have not heard it in a very long time. It kind of momentarily liv=berates the patients when they hear McMurphy laugh.
20. Within a crazy world, if one was to act insane, they would actually appear as sane because the rest of the world is insane. But if they were to act sane in a world of crazies, that same person would actually appear to be insane.
22. He uses repetition to constantly show the oppressive power of Nurse Ratched.

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